The Pro Se Program is open to all pro se petitioners with a Tax Court trial location in Los Angeles. The Program will provide free assistance to help the petitioner understand the Tax Court process in the following situations. The Program attorney cannot accept paid representation or refer you to an attorney for paid representation.
There are three ways a pro se petitioner can obtain assistance from the Pro Se Program.
1. Information. If a petitioner has a question about the process (as opposed to help with how to settle or prepare the petitioner's specific case for trial), the petitioner can complete the contact form appearing on the "Contact Us" page. This assistance is open to all pro se petitioners regardless of financial need.
2. Representation. After receiving the "Notice Setting Case for Trial", if the petitioner wants specific advice on how to handle the petitioner's case, the petitioner can complete and submit the application form appearing on the Application page. A program administrator will review the request and will either contact the petitioner to obtain more information or refer the inquiry to a Program panel member to communicate directly with the petitioner. In appropriate cases, the panel member may agree to represent the petitioner before the Court. Representation is only available if the petitioner is financially unable to hire an attorney for this representation.
3. Calendar Call. A Program attorney will be present at the Tax Court "calendar call" to answer any type of question. This assistance is available regardless of financial need. The judge will identify the Program attorney at the beginning of the calendar call. Time may be limited and the trial will probably be scheduled during that same week, possibly the same day. As a result, actual representation is rarely available. This option should not be selected if extensive assistance is needed. Waiting this late in the process may prevent us from helping you in the most effective way possible.